Please use the links below to navigate through the abstracts.

Emese Balint: TBC

Dominique Bauer: Places of Exile. Paradoxical Subjectivity and Space in the Lettres Portugaises (1669)

Richard Thomas Bell: ‘Spectacles of confinement? Purposes of imprisonment in early modern England’

Sophie Jane Buckingham: Churchyard’s De Tristibus – A Prisoner with Form

Lorenzo Coccoli: “If thy brother shall sin against thee”. Fraternal correction and the rise of correctional imprisonment (16th – 17th centuries)

Leonardo Cohen: The End of the Ignatian Dream, to Ethiopia, a long Farewell: Ritual and Ceremonial Life under the Shadow of Exile

Susan Comilang: Prison Letter Writing and the Narrow Way

Sonya Cronin: ‘livinge may be called a grave’: Poetics of Confinement in the Work of Lady Jane Cavendish & Lady Elizabeth Brackley

Jenny Cryar: “To correct and punish”: Penal Theory and Practice at London’s Bridewell

Mark Earngey: John Ponet: Calvinist or Classical Resistance Theorist?

James Hall: Triumphing over Torture, Cheating Death: Tommaso Campanella’s use of mimicry as a prison survival tool

Kat Hill: TBC

Kristine Haugen: John Bunyan in Conversation: Community and the Prison Autobiography

Florence Hazrat: Of Babylonian Byrds: Musical Exile in the English Renaissance

Rachael Hodge: The Prison in King Lear

Nere Intxaustegi: Oliver Cromwell and Irish nuns: a history of exile in Early Modern Spain

Aaron Kahn: Hidden Thoughts of the Soul: Miguel de Cervantes and Christian Slavery in Algiers

MA Katritzky: Captor and captive: expressions of political and religious identity in the needlework collaboration of Mary Queen of Scots and Bess of Hardwick

William Kroeger: “In Which Cage of Rushes I Am Sure You Are Not Prisoner”: Interpellation, Colonization, Reterritorialization, and Lines of Flight in As You Like It

Máire MacNeill: Exiled from the Stage: Actors and Politics in the Late Stuart Period

Csaba Maczelka: Prison and Exile in Early Modern English and Hungarian Literature

Christopher Martinuzzi: Thomas Müntzer. From Exile to Execution

Omar Moumni: Controlled Minds in Early Modern Europe: Barbary Captivity Discourse and its impact on the Anglo-American Imagination

Claudia Passarella: Experiences of imprisonment and exile in Venice in the early modern age

Francesca Pirola: Opposing tyranny from the outside: the case of the Marian exiles

Matt Pursell: Servitude and Space: The Narrative Mapping of Imprisonment and Exile

Eleonora Rai: A ‘virtual community’. Jesuit exile, Suppression and re-birth in José Pignatelli’s correspondence (1767-1811)

Philipp Reisner: Between Prison and the Printing Press: Benjamin Harris, Polemic Entrepreneur

Duncan Salkeld: Women in Bridewell, 1560-1610

Sophie Shorland: Sacrifice on the Elizabethan Scaffold

Robert Stagg: “Troublesome and Modern Bondage”: Rhyme as Prison

Jane Stevenson: Neo-Latin Poetry of Imprisonment and Exile

Julian Swann: Vinctus in Christo. How, and how not, to survive life as a prisoner of state in seventeenth-century France

Victoria Van Hyning: ‘Embracing the State of Religion’: Convents as Alternatives to Marriage for Early Modern Women

Geert van Reyn: Practica criminalis pro omnibus regularibus. The monastic prison of Groenendaal and the Modus procedendi of the Capuchin order

Alexander Wakelam: There are no proper divisions for men and women … This gaol is in a very ruinous state’ – Identifying female space within the eighteenth-century debtors’ prison

Eliot Wilson: Imprisonment, exile and the English Church 1553 – 1558